If the computer responds with the volume “pop”, this means Mac OS has booted correctly, but is unable to display a video signal. Try pressing the volume keys on your keyboard. Presuming everything went OK, you will be presented with your Mac OS log in screen. Assuming that it reported no error, eject the CD again and reboot.

If not (hope you got that backup!) repeat step 9 with your old ROM. If you used a compatible card and ROM, everything should be fine.Now switch to that drive by typing, for example, T: and pressing enter (your letter may be different, have a look.) Once you are at the DOS prompt (say yes if it asks you to load mouse drivers etc), pull your CD drive’s housing out from the side and push the button to eject the CD.Holding C for too long can cause your keyboard not to work, if that is the case reboot and try again. If you are lucky, you will be presented with a menu. Get someone with small hands or a girl to attach the power booster cable. Unplug everything, remove your old graphics card and put the new one in.MAKE SURE that you have 10.6.4 with the Graphics Update (Check in Software Update) or 10.6.5.I could NOT get DOS to recognize mine no matter what I did. A ROM compatible with your card from the aforementioned forum thread it is a good idea to get the original ROM for your card from the manufacturer or another source just in case something goes wrong and you need to restore it.You will also need some software and anywhere between two a billion CDRs a 6pin-6pin power booster cable (Go Apple!) Google.Snow Leopard 10.6.4 with Graphics Update OR 10.6.5 OR 10.6.6.So, let’s start with a list of what you do and don’t need. OK, there is a lot of bad advice out there on flashing PC video card ROMs to work with Snow Leopard 10.6.4.